Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Saints are Coming...

I keep trying to blog about the New Orleans Saints. Frustration with them is too high to be objective. Although, fans are given a pass on objectivity; I still try to appear that way.

I have been hearing a good bit about all the Christians who have, and are helping New Orleans rebuild. As a group, I don't think anyone can match the numbers. While some have had questionable motives (trying to be objective), most have been exemplary. I can't count the numbers who have come through our church. I can say that the people I have met have been wonderful. I don't doubt some only wanted to see the destruction, or get a thrill out of being here.

I don't recommend experiencing a devastating disaster to see who shows up. While some may argue that their group was on the scene first; or they brought the most supplies. For my part though, give me the Saints anyday, anytime, any need.

Thanks for crawling around inside my head for awhile.

1 comment:

Rob Wilton said...

hey greg, cool stuff. thanks for investing in my bro. he loves serving with you guys. pray for us as we are starting a church in uptown. God has handed the old valence st. baptist church into our hands and i am scared to death. but i am loving every second. lets get together soon.