Monday, October 8, 2007

Hello!, is there anybody out there?

I was having a conversation with a newly identified brother in Christ today, when the subject of words came up. Hard to imagine a conversation without them. Knowing that our words are creative (hey, we are the image of our Father), I wondered later about words.

Words in anger (you know, the ones you wish would never have been spoken).
Words in distress (like, a rash vow. Just listen to Meatloaf 's, "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights")
Words in jest (they can be like swords in the heart)
Words in love (touch you like no others)
Words of correction (can sting, but when you are open to them will heal also)

Proverbs 25:11 describes words (right place, right time words) as being as beautiful and fitting as a "custom made piece of jewelry." (The Message)

Words are always around. Just try not to respond if you hear a stranger say, "Look at that.", or "Hey, what are you doing?" (lame examples but to emphasize the point that we are listening all the time even if it is an A-B conversation and we're just passing by). Even if we say, "Sorry, I wasn't listening." We were hearing the words, but not their meaning.

Words are creative (think God, big 6 day creationfest... there had to be those carnival type foods at creationfest, sausage w/peppers & onions, funnel cakes, cotton candy), words don't stop creating (think God again, big 6 day creationfest <><>

Speak: The Truth in love
The Praises of our King
The Hope of Christ to yourself (everyday)
The Word that gives Life

Thanks for crawling around inside my head.

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