Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Meanwhile, nearly a year later I return to the blogesphere. School, church, life all add up to something akin to burnout. I say "akin to" because it resembled burnout, though I continued through it. No credit goes to me for making it through, just Jesus.

The summer is smoothing out real nice like and I am excited about the approach of fall. Fall in the Gulf South means there is a slight humidity drop (from around 99% to 95%) and a decrease in temp by about 10 degrees. All numbers are made up on the spot, you have my word on it.

The big difference this seasonal change is that my son (Ryne) goes off to Ole Miss. I am a bit bittersweet about it, as I realize the savings on groceries week to week are actually being spent in a check to the school. I am not sure that I am ready for his departure. Ready or not...

The fall will get a big kick-off with our 3rd annual Warfare Weekend at church. We are expecting 35 - 40 people will join us for the labor day weekend for prayer and worship in the French Quarter. This will be the event that sets the tone for the rest of the year spiritually for us. I am looking forward to the time spent in prayer with family and friends.

Though a few sentences don't do for a condensing of the year it will be ok. School begins for me on the 26th of August, for my wife Wren the 14th, for Ryne the 25th, and for Kit (#2 son) three weeks ago now. Yes, busy but I've been thinking about organizing my life...yeah right.

Thanks for crawling around inside my head for awhile.

1 comment:

Wren said...

Hi Greg,
Glad you're blogging again. Be encouraged. Love, Wren